
Brokers London Dry Gin

London Dry Gin
London Dry Gin 750ml
Created in the late 1990’s, Broker’s Gin is a classic, big juniper gin that earns its place on any gin shelf, particularly if you are fan of the classic London Dry Gin style. Broker’s Gin is batch distilled using traditional botanicals such as juniper, coriander seed, cinnamon, cassia bark, liquorice, orris root, orange and lemon peel, angelica root and nutmeg. The end result is a classic old school gin, semi-sweet on the tongue with an interesting mixture of liquorice, spicy juniper and sweet citrus. The recipe itself is allegedly over 200 years old and all of the botanicals are steeped for 24 hours in a quadruple-distilled neutral grain spirit made from 100% English wheat. Broker’s Gin is available in several bottle sizes at 40% ABV and at 47% ABV and we would certainly recommend the latter. The copper pot still used for producing Broker’s Gin was manufactured by John Dore & Co, long recognised as one of the finest still-makers in the world. Langley’s Distillery also has a mini-still, which is used for making small batches of gin from different recipes and checking the quality of the new batches of botanicals. The bottle for ‘the gin for gentlemen’ was designed in the style of a 1930’s advertisement to capture the spirit and character of a bygone era. Quintessential Englishness is represented by the pin-striped, bowler-hatted gentleman (a broker) and the label text which is, like the gin itself, very dry.
Beverage type:
Classic Gin
Alcohol Level:
Bottle size:
750ml bottle Single
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Frootbat Reviews - What our customers say
Ratings & Reviews (13)
Make a beverage with this and you'll wish you were time traveling to 1800s with your bowler cap. I'd allude to this as an increasingly nonpartisan gin. Think flying yet with somewhat more juniper. A strong decision at the cost. Truly get your bowler stick and a few suits to take with you on your excursion through time.
Posted on Jul 22nd, 2020
Great gin. Better than a lot progressively costly jugs Ive drink
Posted on Jun 26th, 2020
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Tasting Notes
Very herbal, and almost medicinal but in a very good way. Hints of sticking plasters meld well with rosy red apples, tangy citrus and cardamom.
Crisp and very dry, green oak, tree sap, parsley, lavendar soap and juniper.
Long and bittering with sweet spices and berries. Moreish!
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