Nuestra Soledad San Luis del Rio is located east of the Valles Centrales Region. The small village is tucked away in the mountains, where Espadin is grown on slopes so steep that the harvested pinas need to be rolled down to flat ground before being taken back to the palenque. The region is intensely hot, which causes early ripening of the agave.
Traditionally, mezcals from different villages have their own distinctive flavors and aromas, which reflect the differences between distilleries, the soil, the local water sources, the wood used, and of course, the nuances created by the hand of the Maestro Mezcalero. Mezcal Nuestra Soledad is a single village Mezcal that showcases the differences between the villages of Santiago Matatlán, La Compañía Ejutla, San Luis del Rio, and San Baltazar Guelavila. Mezcal Nuestra Soledad (a name which pays homage to Our Lady the Virgin of Solitude, the patron saint of the city of Oaxaca) is born from an ancient tradition and hand-crafted to conserve and retain the centuries-old methods of cultivating and producing this Elixir of the Gods. Each different expression is made from 100% agave Espadín, by the producers of El Jolgorio mezcals, in Oaxaca, Mexico. Check the batch on your bottle, as the ABV may vary slightly.…